At this point I have created a wider network for the Zenabowli Art Scene."...there is a wealth of ingenuity hanging out in garages and studios all over the world."
Admittedly, this is both a promotional site and a sharing site. The eventual goal is to become creativly and economically independent in the global market place. I am open to any feed back about this. Share your experiences and wisdom.
This is still an experiment, and I'm quite willing to push a notion as far as it will go. This is a venture that started just a month ago with very little knowledge about the mechanical ins and outs of online communications. I have visited many sites with many diverse objectives, and conlude there is a world of opportunities for the creative community to decentralize the world of media, art, and entertainment.
Inovation should not be in the hands of the limited perspectives of corporate R & D labs when there is a wealth of inginuity hanging out in garages and studios all over the world. I find that this is a growing opinion. This is the era of the ARTREPRENEUR. Go for it... share your thoughts.
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People should read this.
Latisha, I was so surprised to find my first comment at this site/ especially pleased to have someone share the premise of the posting...thanks
excellent concept
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